it and its friends had a tuft of shimmery blue-green-purple feathers tucked under the brown ones, which shine when it flies, which is seldom, as this is a lazy duck who paddles here and there nearly always
Elvis' house guest
(Since my baby left me, I've found a new place to dwell, it's on the end of lonely street, Heartbreak Hotel)
firewood collector
they live in the Hidden Valley there
Darcy, the goodest dog I ever did see, who is now across the seas. We stayed on an estate in Pemberton with Darcy's owners.
From our balcony in the fremantle apartment. There were boats with names like meerkat, cloudy bay, sundancer, bronzewing.
From the living room of our house in Margaret River, a purple house among a few others in colourful Australian bush. It makes you feel like you could go trekking for hours starting from your backyard.
Fishing in the Indian Ocean
Lonely Seagull No. 1
Our laundry hanging out under the stars, which were MARVELLOUSLY BRIGHT
My father put a match to the wick of the lamp hanging from the ceiling and the little yellow flame sprang up and filled the inside of the caravan with pale light. "How about a hot drink?" he said.
"Yes, please."
He lit the praffin burner and put the kettle on to boil.
"I have decided something," he said. "I am going to let you in on the deepest darkest secret of my whole life."
'It's a winksquiffler!' he whispered with a thrill in his voice. 'It''''s even better. It's a phizzwizard! It's a golden phizzwizard!'