Monday, February 19, 2007

chinese new year

I remember now, Jess once asked Rory if she has read Franny and Zooey. This is so strange. I need gilmore girls but if I want to buy it to watch, it costs at least $70. How does that work? I haven't watched it in months, maybe almost a year. Is that why my heart has turned cold and frozen??????

Yes I did it. I only said happy new year once or twice at the most this year.

The most exciting part of any chinese new year for me is seeing my cousins, whom I see once a week anyway. But when they are dressed in crazy chinese new year silky silly clothes, and we are all dressed up, and I come back from my mother's mother's house, it is impossible to contain my insane unreasonable excitement. So actually, such things are only fun when you are with the people you love, because the time you meet is more special than usual.

And I don't know if it's because I've never noticed it before, but when we watched Just Follow Law yesterday, it seemed like the entire cinema was laughing like mad at some parts. I think it's because it's singaporean and I think I decided that nothing beats singaporean humour when you are singaporean. 'erm....the smoke symbolizes the people's loss of direction' (mad old women dancing chinese dance on stage coughing and fanning away the smoke effect, which is actually fire extinguisher sprayed by mad people) Hi ho, I'm getting more patriotic everyday, it's strange and true.

Esmonde has invited me to his house tomorrow morning. He didn't really want me to go alone, because he says it would be 'scandalous and inappropriate' and he will 'blush like a flame'. Oh Esmonday! Do not fret, milady! I will be the one to blush like a rose stained with fresh blood! (Whatever that means)

Finally decided on room colours. I realised I was hung up (still am) on the blue and yellow circus feeling, because blue and yellow are the colours of cirque du soleil. And ikea. And courts. Now I think it'll be this: a deep purple magic ceiling, with 3 light blue walls and 1 dark zest blue wall. Fantastique! Merveilleux! Voila ma chambre- Le très petit cirque de Mary Smith. La maison de ma coeur. Ma grand-mére va au Chine avec ses vieux amis. Elle est fou, parce-que aujourd'hui, elle est telephoné deux fois pour dire 'je suis ici, je suis ici', parce-qu'elle n'a pas autres choses à faire.

Classe française, à derniere Vendredi:
un imperatif exercise:
Le livre: 'Ce sandwich est mauvais.'
(correct answer: 'Ne le mangez pas!')
Un etudiant amusant: 'Mange-moi'
Je ne comprends pas!

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