Excusez-moi, Monsieur
1. Baby Ducky got into the big pool last saturday night! After months of frustrating crazy attempts and hoarse throats and too much excitement and children crowding around trying, we finally did it. She wore the fishy body vest I got her for christmas from toy r us for a few dollars, and went to the staircase corner of the big pool. It was the splendid circumstances that finally got her to do it. There happened to be a corner of the big pool where there was a staircase, nicely lit, cosy looking, not big and scary looking. So she went in and dared to go a few steps before I carried her and then soon I was carrying her around the pool and soon just holding her hands, and soon holding her both hands for 3 counts then holding only 1 hand for 3 counts, then 5 counts. She was panting and laughing and shrieking and just behaving like a deranged panicked tickled dog!!!!! Her legs weren't kicking at the back but directly underneath her tiny body. Finally what got her to do it was that we went to this other staircase part of the pool that she could see was shallow but where she just couldnt touch the floor and had to float, so in the end, she did it and was floating around the pool like a crazy puppy and we were 'racing' her. Hurray! It was a historic moment in her 5 years of life.
2. me, shaun and zhon yun watched the mango play last night, modified and directed by desiree for her hall event. It was nostalgic, hilarious, overwhelming and strange.
3. French is so fun i wish there could be nothing but french lessons everyday.
4. I really should be doing my work.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Because you're sweet and lovely girl, I love you
Because you're sweet and lovely girl, it's true
Paul-is-dead theories are terrible and disturbing. Never read any. They all suck. You just want to believe he is alive, don't you? When you think about it, it's mindblowing that bob dylan and paul and ringo are....walking around, existing somewhere still.
Isn't it heartbreaking that for the most part of the world, the people you love in tv shows or movies, or singers and bands either don't exist in real life or don't know you exist? When all these people and worlds mean a great special deal. Isn't it funny that you would think so warmly of them when they never think of you? It's funny though, I would clutch onto these shows and songs and people till I die.
On a wackier note, today an old chinese woman was busy looking through her groceries with her female mates and was wearing an old-woman-blouse (that material) without a bra (ah, to be an old granny who doesn't care anymore) and when the sun shone through I happened to see the saggiest breasts I ever saw in my life.
Because you're sweet and lovely girl, I love you
Because you're sweet and lovely girl, it's true
Paul-is-dead theories are terrible and disturbing. Never read any. They all suck. You just want to believe he is alive, don't you? When you think about it, it's mindblowing that bob dylan and paul and ringo are....walking around, existing somewhere still.
Isn't it heartbreaking that for the most part of the world, the people you love in tv shows or movies, or singers and bands either don't exist in real life or don't know you exist? When all these people and worlds mean a great special deal. Isn't it funny that you would think so warmly of them when they never think of you? It's funny though, I would clutch onto these shows and songs and people till I die.
On a wackier note, today an old chinese woman was busy looking through her groceries with her female mates and was wearing an old-woman-blouse (that material) without a bra (ah, to be an old granny who doesn't care anymore) and when the sun shone through I happened to see the saggiest breasts I ever saw in my life.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
bad day
Tom, get your plane right on time
I know, your part'll go fine
After some magical calculations I realised it's:
2 weeks of school to the last week of school
1 week of study break (brother goes to NS), then
exams for 1.5 weeks, then
2 weeks to LA and NY
So, it's 6 weeks to the end of the semester and less than 8 weeks to new york! And it hardly feels like i'm already so much into the semester. I'm loving this, it's like magic.
And with 2 project presentations, 1 video to edit, 1 website to create, 1 research paper to write, 1 more assignment to finish and 1 more quiz, I can't wait for it all to be over and for the exams to come.
When the architect (young woman who likes Amelie and mary-janes and mad colours but designs grey or beige stuff) saw my room colour she said 'Groovy!' and that her room used to be like that. When the built-in furniture designer (who's doing everyone's room but mine) saw my room he said those colours are no longer in. As a secondary school boy would say, Go and die lah.
Yesterday we played midnight catching in my auntie's room, me, nat, sai, shann and elysia. I was carrying elysia and she clung onto to me and her heart was beating so quickly! The catcher has to put the blanket over his/her face and feel around the whole room. Sai had a fall, elysia overcame her fear of the dark and shann panted like mad. It was so fun. Oh and midnight catching just means catching in the dark. Sometimes i'm glad i didn't go overseas- would have missed all this. I love them!
All of the nights we harmonized till dawn
I never laughed so long,
So long
So long
I know, your part'll go fine
After some magical calculations I realised it's:
2 weeks of school to the last week of school
1 week of study break (brother goes to NS), then
exams for 1.5 weeks, then
2 weeks to LA and NY
So, it's 6 weeks to the end of the semester and less than 8 weeks to new york! And it hardly feels like i'm already so much into the semester. I'm loving this, it's like magic.
And with 2 project presentations, 1 video to edit, 1 website to create, 1 research paper to write, 1 more assignment to finish and 1 more quiz, I can't wait for it all to be over and for the exams to come.
When the architect (young woman who likes Amelie and mary-janes and mad colours but designs grey or beige stuff) saw my room colour she said 'Groovy!' and that her room used to be like that. When the built-in furniture designer (who's doing everyone's room but mine) saw my room he said those colours are no longer in. As a secondary school boy would say, Go and die lah.
Yesterday we played midnight catching in my auntie's room, me, nat, sai, shann and elysia. I was carrying elysia and she clung onto to me and her heart was beating so quickly! The catcher has to put the blanket over his/her face and feel around the whole room. Sai had a fall, elysia overcame her fear of the dark and shann panted like mad. It was so fun. Oh and midnight catching just means catching in the dark. Sometimes i'm glad i didn't go overseas- would have missed all this. I love them!
All of the nights we harmonized till dawn
I never laughed so long,
So long
So long
Friday, March 16, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
sgt pepper

Buckets of rain, buckets of tears,
Got all them buckets comin' outta my ears
Buckets of moonbeam in my hand
You got all the love
Honey baby I can stand
I lost my Sgt. Pepper badge. One moment it was on my breast the next moment I looked down and it was gone, and I can't fnd it, and neither can the toilet auntie whose hair was adorably done up in braids today. Is this a special day? Is she meeting her sweetheart? There it is up there. Isn't it glorious?
Dear Bob, I wish we could hang out. I wish there were more quiet afternoons and days, spent working on something in my room, or just reading. Recently I've known that I'm happiest when making or creating something. I wish there was still carpet to lie around despite the millions of mites living in it (fer real). I wish we could play hide and seek in the afternoons and say whatever we want to everyone in the world.
Dear John Bean, please don't be mad at me for not spending enough time with you/looking at you more often. I will take you to watch Mr. Bean's french vacation movie.
Dear sheep on my starry blue blanket, thank you for keeping me company every night.
And dear tiny hairs on my stomach, when my cousins stop asking about you, I will know what has happened to them.
Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl
but she doesn't have a lot to say
Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl
but she changes from day to day
I wanna tell her that I love her a lot
but i gotta get a belly full-a wine
Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl
someday i'm gonna make her mine,
oh yeah,
someday i'm gonna make her mine
Saturday, March 10, 2007
passion, zest and stream

Love is a flower, you got to let it grow
My parents came home this afternoon after a whole morning at springleaf and casually said that my room has been painted!!!! I didn't even know it had started. He said it was the most exciting room. It was all madness and I asked her how was it and she said '....not nice lah.' How encouraging. Then my father said 'Frankly I don't like it. Nice for science centre lah' and I had no idea what the hell he meant. So we rushed there and there it was! After a few seconds I realised it was almost exactly what I imagined it to be, or exactly like that. a deep purple ceiling, a dark blue wall, and 3 dreamy light blue walls. There were splotches of white all over the walls where they were trying to smooth the wall or something and the light blue walls looked like they had clouds on them. Sai sai's room is very dreamy blue, like the colour Seacastle. The only bad thing is they don't like the Mayan yellow, think it's too bright and mad. But darn it's so nice. Also I noticed the highest roof of the house is small and square domed with glass beneath it and it looks a little like a castle. When we were leaving my father asked one of the workers who sleeps in my room now whether he can sleep or not, and he said, 'Can!!!!! I just see, wah, close my eyes, can sleep already.'
dora is dying and who wants to be in a marching band? Or a little band. I'll play drums, someone strum guitar, someone swish tambourine and someone sing and dance. We can call ourselves The Doras and each wear a yellow, pink, orange and red gerberra. We can play all kinds of songs from yankee doodle to across the universe to raindrops keep falling on my head. We can make up songs about our mothers and our panties. We can be happy. Contact me if interested.
Monday, March 05, 2007
I wasn't talking about your pigtails
I was talking about your sex appeal
A few days ago I realised what a truly nice cd bridge over troubled waters is. And that is when you like almost every single song in the cd, and you long to listen to it so much. Simon and Garfunkel are 60s and summer. They are the gentle summer leaves, swaying breeze, postman and jungle eyelash boys.
Dora my evil-pink gerberra is blooming. She has gentle petals and her middle was dark brown, but now it is yellow-orange. Her petals today have a very slight purplish tinge to them. Please don't die, Dora. I'm sorry someone ever plucked you off.
I went for my sister's meet the parents session last friday night and it was sickening. The vice-principal emphasized that 'your girls must score 90 marks and above if they want to remain in the school!' and in the classroom, while parents copied tables of highest/lowest/average scores for all the subjects, the teacher was engaged in what liang zhi qiang calls CC (cover ka-ching) or BCC (better cover ka-ching) while a few parents asked her questions. ("My daughter say that this class is very behind in english compared to other classes..." "My daughter say that those who come this class are not so good at ___....is it?")
From now it is going to be a busy ride to the end of this semester with Big projects and tests queuing up to be done before the exams. This week there's a broadcast media quiz and french test. In between flossing teeth and sitting down for project meetings, I found the time to be in a 40-minute jam on the KJE at the end of which I saw a dead man by the road covered with white cloth. His hand, wearing a watch, and his shoes were sticking out. It was one of the most terrible sights ever. Rest in peace, dear man who died while going to work one day on the expressway and found himself knocked by a bloody lorry and found his life ended. I'm sorry you went on a morning when everyone was just driving to work like it was any other day. At least you caused a jam.
I was talking about your sex appeal
A few days ago I realised what a truly nice cd bridge over troubled waters is. And that is when you like almost every single song in the cd, and you long to listen to it so much. Simon and Garfunkel are 60s and summer. They are the gentle summer leaves, swaying breeze, postman and jungle eyelash boys.
Dora my evil-pink gerberra is blooming. She has gentle petals and her middle was dark brown, but now it is yellow-orange. Her petals today have a very slight purplish tinge to them. Please don't die, Dora. I'm sorry someone ever plucked you off.
I went for my sister's meet the parents session last friday night and it was sickening. The vice-principal emphasized that 'your girls must score 90 marks and above if they want to remain in the school!' and in the classroom, while parents copied tables of highest/lowest/average scores for all the subjects, the teacher was engaged in what liang zhi qiang calls CC (cover ka-ching) or BCC (better cover ka-ching) while a few parents asked her questions. ("My daughter say that this class is very behind in english compared to other classes..." "My daughter say that those who come this class are not so good at ___....is it?")
From now it is going to be a busy ride to the end of this semester with Big projects and tests queuing up to be done before the exams. This week there's a broadcast media quiz and french test. In between flossing teeth and sitting down for project meetings, I found the time to be in a 40-minute jam on the KJE at the end of which I saw a dead man by the road covered with white cloth. His hand, wearing a watch, and his shoes were sticking out. It was one of the most terrible sights ever. Rest in peace, dear man who died while going to work one day on the expressway and found himself knocked by a bloody lorry and found his life ended. I'm sorry you went on a morning when everyone was just driving to work like it was any other day. At least you caused a jam.
Friday, March 02, 2007
astronomy lecturers
Please read this from the site of the 2 astronomy professors who really take the effort to organize stargazing sessions and sms everyone when there is bad weather and they have to postpone it (which invariably happens almost every time). They are so hilarious!!!!!!
The last weekday of the mid semester break!!!!!
-pounds chest like deranged neanderthal-
The last weekday of the mid semester break!!!!!
-pounds chest like deranged neanderthal-
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