Love is a flower, you got to let it grow
My parents came home this afternoon after a whole morning at springleaf and casually said that my room has been painted!!!! I didn't even know it had started. He said it was the most exciting room. It was all madness and I asked her how was it and she said '....not nice lah.' How encouraging. Then my father said 'Frankly I don't like it. Nice for science centre lah' and I had no idea what the hell he meant. So we rushed there and there it was! After a few seconds I realised it was almost exactly what I imagined it to be, or exactly like that. a deep purple ceiling, a dark blue wall, and 3 dreamy light blue walls. There were splotches of white all over the walls where they were trying to smooth the wall or something and the light blue walls looked like they had clouds on them. Sai sai's room is very dreamy blue, like the colour Seacastle. The only bad thing is they don't like the Mayan yellow, think it's too bright and mad. But darn it's so nice. Also I noticed the highest roof of the house is small and square domed with glass beneath it and it looks a little like a castle. When we were leaving my father asked one of the workers who sleeps in my room now whether he can sleep or not, and he said, 'Can!!!!! I just see, wah, close my eyes, can sleep already.'
dora is dying and who wants to be in a marching band? Or a little band. I'll play drums, someone strum guitar, someone swish tambourine and someone sing and dance. We can call ourselves The Doras and each wear a yellow, pink, orange and red gerberra. We can play all kinds of songs from yankee doodle to across the universe to raindrops keep falling on my head. We can make up songs about our mothers and our panties. We can be happy. Contact me if interested.
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