"wow, canary yellow, the perfect colour for me wizarding robes!"

the magic 8 eye original doc marten punk boots of my friend Sunflower (that which is her pirate name) with magic yellow stitching and black jeans for that look. ah.....
Speaking of pirate names, here is the list so far (we really should call each other by this):
me- Mary-Jane Sea Ruby
vivienne- Violet Phoenix Tide
yinren- Edward Black Bones
ling- Rose Coral Bertrucio
claire- Lady Kathleen Shale
desiree- Polly Sue (we aint sure yet)
yeehan- Sunflower, or Helianthus Kylin Kore
All else, please use comments box to give yerseelves a real gritty tough olde magical pirate name. it vill be written in the emerald seas!
(suggestions: use the name of a precious stone, or a sea element, or a fish species, like turquoise, or wave, or kingfisher. put this with a name that will make the sea rumble, like LAURA or ALBERT, and add a dash of something else like Sue or Seed. Make sure every word means something to you. and there ye have it mate, yer pirate name. be proud of it.)
I have a friend who calls himself Jeremy Wood-Foot. As he is highly libidinous, I wonder if he has thought through the implications of his choice.
XJ! hahaha! i'm so psyched for the day too! no pirate name as of yet, but will most probably answer to 'wench' as i usually do to 'oi'. have a happy international talk like a pirate day! :)
xx dawn
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