Thursday, July 24, 2008


You always were the one
to make us stand out in a crowd
Though every once upon a while
your head was in a cloud
There's nothing you could never do
to ever let me down
Just remember that I'll always love you

-minor incident, badly drawn boy

Hear ye, womenfolk!

Realisations with regard to that excruciatingly slow shedding of that thick nutritious bloody uterus wall

If a lady never has children, then the (48-13) x 12 = 35 x 12 = 420 approximate times she has her period (assuming she has it 12 times a year) will have been for nothing except that wondrous crazy possibility that it might happen someday. And siblings are the only people in the whole history of time, of the universe, of ever to ever have been in that same warm chamber that is the icky placenta womb of their mother, taking turns living in the same home for 9 months.

And my mother said they pump shit out of you before you give birth.

'What if the baby comes out with shit at the same time and there's shit on the baby's head?!'

'Yah, serious! It can happen!'

Yesterday, my first auntie in her late forties went to hospital for an above-related operation and my cousin (whose 6th birthday it was yesterday) called my second auntie and I tricked her that the first auntie was at the hospital to give birth.

'boy or girl? eh i want girl leh!'

'girl lah'

-puts phone aside- 'it's a girl! it's a girl!'

'oh! you have the same birthday as the baby! do you like that?'

-pause- (weirdly and properly) 'uh YES!'

her slightly older brother called later.

'where got so fast got baby one?'

'you see her stomach very fat right?'


her big oldest brother called later.

'eh, jk right?'

today when the little one found out the truth.

'next time you tell me the truth i also won't believe you!'

Silly not-so-smug-anymore me.

1 comment:

d said...

HEY! you haven't told me what presents you got for your birthday! (: (: (: PREZZZZEEENNNTSSSS. lets go for lunch or dinner or breakfast or whatever.