I just counted my hongbao money and wondered in how many years I might possibly be giving hongbaos to my cousins? Far-flung as the thought is. And then proceed to play with them like I wasn't grown up, and not make any small talk with the adults who visit. The best chinese new year goodies this year are the cashew nuts my grandmother fried and sunned and salted slightly, very useful for times of boredom and to provide some little entertainment to relatives (who are bored anyway) by practising throw and catch-in-mouth, but only in my own house.
Oh yes, my friend and I are leaving our internship jobs; no more hot long sleepy-geylang 15-minute walk to work, which was incidentally my favourite part. And I shall miss the flowery musky smell of the pink toilet at the end of the enclosed small corridor, my five-minute refuge. Hurray to new chances and jobs whatever they might be!!!!
Is it unhealthy that I've been listening to largely the same music for the past four to six years? Like many people I listen to music while doing daily-life things- lying on my bed, drawing, on the train, painting, writing letters, sewing, emailing, in other words live on it somewhat. And all this music makes up a big part of anyone's inside world, which means my 'inside world' (l'intérieur monde) has been influenced by the same musical landscape for some time, and what if it stays that way till I am an armchaired granny?! The music is mostly old songs, and I can usually tell if I am in a Beatles or Bob Dylan mood, but it is very puzzling not to know what mood you are in. I haven't been in a The-Who mood for more than a year. Isn't it funny, measuring your mood by what you feel like listening to?? Do you guys do that sometimes? If you do, let's play a game, and tell me now exactly what mood you are in and what are the first lyrics you think of when you close your eyes, and last night's dream if you had any :-)
yes, my interior world doesn't really change much either. though present-day-songs that play in shopping centers, cafes and supermarkets or what-nots do sometimes stay on in my mind. but the funny thing is, though i always listen to joni mitchell (always in a joni mitchell mood), my internal reaction to her changes as the years go by too. like as you grow, this soundtrack of your life grows along with you too. Don't you think, with you and Beatles? Isn't your relationship sort of growing and maturing too?
"why do birds suddenly appear, everyTIME you are NEAR! just like me, they long to be, close to youuuuuuu!" that's the song i'm thinking of! dunno why. it was something else last night but i cannot remember what. my whole body is aching from cross country skiing..it's mad. i'm sitting in Common Grounds the cafe across the street from my place and studying for my animal science midterm tomorrow. you'll love this place.. super cosy with a lounging area with tons of different, comfy couches some corduroy plum/hunter green, some vintage faded floral, some dusty pink velvet rocking couches, some teal blue armless ones...and aged wooden coffee tables (: nice music too. help, my body is achingggg.
My ex fellow go-karts operator mate: Isn't that a delicate song? The way you typed it makes me think of the seagull in the little mermaid when he squawked when he wanted eric and ariel to kiss! and my mind is going dizzy from imagining a room with all those couches. do you fall asleep there? its so funny everytime we skype i am going to sleep and you are freshly bathed and awake and having breakfast!
curiouslycarrotcake: I don't know about growing and maturing, I still love the beatles the same way i always have. The only growing is that I talk to them sometimes (on my wall, in my cupboard) and they watch over me in my room, I know they do. Perhaps joni mitchell is your reflection self :-) (two images come to mind: the cover of HITS and the cover of the one he gave to her in loveactually)
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