Thursday, May 20, 2010

you don't know if i can draw at all, or what records i am into

i am in a little buzz from all the things i've been doing these busy days. my head is abuzz with spanish words and indian places, and the road outside my house yesterday was abuzz with dying bees that they poisoned again without warning anyone. just now i took my fifth injection on my left arm the warrior that is now tired. the resulting feeling from the fifth injection (taken after my dear ol' doctor paused because she said i took several different injections at different times and places and it may be bad for my body) into a bruised patch on my left arm was completely perverse- a sick, sore muscular feeling worse than pain, which gives me a wobbly feeling in the stomach and makes me think of the tight white muscular tendons of that frog we crucified and dissected in biology class in secondary 4- we shouldn't have. aye we even put our fingers through cow heart aortas and spliced open goat eyeballs.

i can't wait to leave everything and go to india, with all the dangers and adventures that await. i think it will be like a very real dream.

to a new life and forever adventures!

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