Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A game of nothing

How do you play a game of nothing?

Today I played a game of something.

I woke up, got dressed, had my breakfast.

I did my work, had lunch, met people.

I had dinner, showered, back to work.

How do you play a game of nothing?

See, that baby, she plays a game of nothing.

She squiggles and kicks,

and looks out at the world,

expecting nothing,

wanting nothing,

licking everything.

Sometimes, my love knows how

to play this game of nothing.

But you have to know

what the game is, else

you cannot tolerate him,

you cannot love him.

But when you do know

what nothing and its game is

then he is very wise,

and you want to be like him,

thinking, walking, moving,

floating in a big calm cloud,

having every nothing,

not needing anything,

breathing everything,

at a game of nothing.

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