Thursday, November 09, 2006

do you believe in magic

Do you believe in magic?

This is in my astronomy textbook.

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time

T.S. Eliot

Do you ever get that feeling where you feel like screaming or whooping or cursing?! Like after reading something or realizing something. What do people do when that moment comes?! If it is a crazy frustration (e.g. my brother accidentally taped stupid channel 8 drama instead of project runway) I usually jump up and down and go mad. If it is a strange pulsating fairy lights feeling (somewhat harry potter, the cool feeling harry got of someone cracking an egg on his head) I find myself somewhat frozen, remaining in a sitting position, somewhat smiling and letting that feeling pass through for a few seconds till it pulsates off my fingertips. It's all very instinctive of course. What do you, dear reader, whoever you might be in the galaxy, do when that inevitable moment comes? Maybe some people, not knowing what to do at the fairy lights moment, scratch their armpits with a strange twitch. I'm just imagining. Oh it's 1am and this sounds..what's that the rocker, absolutely wonkers. 'Life's a piece of shit, when you look at it, but...always look on the bright side of death, just before you draw your terminal breath!'

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